10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

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Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that is often characterized by extreme mood swings, including manic episodes of heightened energy and depressive episodes of low mood.

It’s a chronic condition that can affect a person’s daily life, but with proper treatment, individuals with bipolar disorder can manage their symptoms effectively.

There are several signs that accompany bipolar disorder, and recognizing these signs can help you decide whether or not your man is bipolar.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

1. Extreme Mood Swings

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Everyone sure does experience mood swings every now and then.

There’s little or nothing we can do about the goings in our emotions.

It’s either high, low or somewhere in between.

However, people with bipolar disorder often experience dramatic shifts in mood that go beyond typical emotional fluctuations.

Going all the way from the sky to the bottom of the ocean.

During these manic episodes, a person may feel excessively euphoric, energetic, or irritable, while depressive episodes can bring intense sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities.

These mood swings can occur over days, weeks, or even months, disrupting a person’s overall emotional stability and affecting their ability to function in daily life.


2. Impulsive Behavior

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Impulse is usually doing things without prior thoughts or premeditation.

You know, doing things that weren’t planned for.

When people do things on impulse, there are great chances that they’ll look back on their actions with regret.

Of course, it’s not only people with bipolar who do things without thinking but in their manic phases, people with bipolar may engage in impulsive actions without considering the consequences.

So how do you know it’s bipolar?

It’ll often occur more frequently than with a person without bipolar.

These behaviors can manifest in reckless acts such as excessive spending, risky sexual encounters, substance abuse, or making impromptu, poorly thought-out decisions.

The heightened energy and diminished judgment during manic episodes contribute to impulsive choices that may later lead to regret or adverse outcomes.


3. Changes in Energy Levels

Just as has been mentioned in the previous point, people with bipolar tend to go from the highest mood or energy to the lowest in a snap of a finger.

No warnings, no transitions.

In their high moments, there is usually a surge in energy, leading to increased activity, restlessness, and sometimes the inability to sleep.

In contrast, their low moments are characterized by a significant drop in energy, causing fatigue, lethargy, and an overwhelming desire to sleep excessively.

So you’re with your man one minute having all the fun in the world and before you blink, he is a completely different person who wants nothing but to leave your presence at that time.

And most times you may interpret it as him not being interested in you.

But it isn’t.

He is just a person with bipolar.


4. Sleep Disturbances

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Have you seen someone who can’t sleep for a few days and the next few days it’s war trying to wake them?

Or maybe it’s something that’s common with your boyfriend.

Disturbed sleep patterns are common indicators of bipolar disorder.

During manic phases, they may find it challenging to sleep due to heightened energy and racing thoughts.

In depressive episodes, the opposite occurs, they are either experiencing insomnia or a prolonged desire to sleep as a way of escaping emotional pain.

Monitoring these disturbing sleep patterns can provide valuable insights into the cyclical nature of bipolar disorder and help in establishing a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s mental health.


5. Irritability

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Irritability in the context of bipolar disorder refers to an intense and heightened state of easily becoming agitated, impatient, or reactive, often beyond typical levels of moodiness.

It can be a prominent feature during manic or depressive episodes.

Individuals with bipolar disorder may exhibit heightened irritability.

This goes beyond typical moodiness and can lead to a quick temper, impatience, and increased sensitivity to stimuli.

So he is either very angry and showing bouts of rage or giving the silent treatment.

Sometimes, you may not even know what is causing the rage or anger.

Many times, you are not at fault; something you have been doing all the while that was never a never a problem becomes the same thing that makes him so enraged.

It’s heightened irritability.


6. Difficulty Concentrating

There are people who cannot stay at a thing for up to 5 minutes.

They are in a conversation with you, but their minds are wandering here and there, barely focused on anything you’re saying.

You can call their attention over and over, and still, they won’t be able to stay with you.

These concentration difficulties often accompany bipolar disorder, particularly during manic phases where racing thoughts can make it challenging to focus on one task.

Also, during their depressive episodes, they may just generally lack motivation and have difficulty concentrating due to feelings of sadness or hopelessness.

These cognitive symptoms can interfere with work, school, or daily responsibilities.


7. Changes in Activity Level

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Bipolar disorder can manifest in noticeable changes in activity levels.

In their high moments, people with bipolar may engage in excessive activity, feeling restless and driven to pursue various goals simultaneously.

This heightened activity can range from increased productivity to impulsive, risky behaviors.

At this time, you’d be begging and wishing that they’ll take a break and your wish may not come true.

However, during their low moments, there’s often a notable decrease in activity, with individuals struggling to find motivation or interest in previously enjoyed activities.

So you’re asking your man to join you on your daily workout session as he always has, but he is completely uninterested and irritated that you’re asking him.


8. Overconfidence

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

In their heightened mood, individuals with bipolar disorder may experience inflated self-esteem and overconfidence – when they feel like they are above all and can do everything.

This heightened sense of self-worth can lead to unrealistic beliefs about one’s abilities, and achievements, or even a grandiose perception of personal importance.

Overconfidence may manifest in making ambitious plans, taking on excessive responsibilities, or engaging in activities without acknowledging potential negative consequences.

They may even go as low as dragging responsibilities with people who can actually do it.

And many times, they may not experience this level of confidence for long enough to finish the job.

So they won’t deliver.

Identifying these periods of overconfidence is important, as they often accompany manic phases and contribute to the overall complexity of bipolar disorder.


9. Social Withdrawal

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Another sign of bipolar disorder is social withdrawal.

Individuals with bipolar disorder may go through phases of social withdrawal, particularly during depressive episodes.

Feelings of sadness, low energy, and a lack of interest in activities can contribute to isolation from friends, family, and social events.

So they withdraw from everyone and are uninterested in every social activity that they used to participate in.

In these times, your boyfriend may not want to be with you and may even ask for a break on impulse.

Understanding these periods of withdrawal and providing support or encouragement to maintain social connections can be crucial for the individual’s well-being.


10. Fluctuating Interests

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Bipolar

Bipolar disorder can influence a person’s interests and goals, leading to rapid shifts during different mood phases.

During manic episodes, individuals may develop intense, short-lived interests or goals that are often impractical or unattainable.

Conversely, during depressive episodes, they may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed.

Recognizing these fluctuations in interests is essential for understanding the dynamic nature of bipolar disorder and can guide both the affected individual and their support network in providing appropriate assistance and encouragement.


If you have concerns about your man having bipolar, it’s important to consult with a mental health professional for a proper diagnosis and guidance, as these signs may be common to other mental health challenges.

Ensure that he takes on the necessary medical intervention for his case and that he has a working support network.

The earlier you understand his patterns and recognize the bipolar disorder, the easier it is to facilitate its timely intervention and appropriate management.

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